Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Free Download: Kaiser Chiefs "Ruby"

Kaiser Chiefs have a knack for writing songs that burst with melody but still have a crunchy edge. Their latest single, "Ruby," is a good example of that. It is a fresh slice of guitar-driven Britpop that even includes a subtle synth riff that will help their appeal to the mainstream. It is a straight up tune about falling in love and the stir of emotions that goes along with that. "Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held. 'Cos there's nothing at all 'cept the space in between us," sings Ricky Wilson. It is nothing genial, it is just darn catchy. The single is taken from the band's much-anticipated second album "Your Truly, Angry Mob" that was released in the U.S. earlier this week. (Thanks to Robbie M. for allowing me share this link. Click here to purchase "Your Truly, Angry Mob" at iTunes.)
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Download Kaiser Chiefs "Ruby" [MP3]

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